I am a liver transplant recipient. I am 80 years old. In April of 2013 I noticed that my tooth was hurting and so I went to my dentist who poked around on the tooth and told me I needed a root canal. Not knowing much about root canals, I went to an endodontist that proceeded to work on my mouth. He did the root canal. A few days later, I experienced severe pain in my knee. I had knee replacement surgeries 2 years before. I called my surgeon and he sent out some pain killers. However, the pain was excruciating and it started to spread to my other knee. I had chills and such a severe pain in both knees that my daughter took me to the local hospital. I was mixed up in my mind. I was deathly ill. My daughter begged them to take a sample of the liquid in my knees. The doctor's told me that I had to go back to my surgeon that coming Monday.
It had been 7 days and my friends had me taken to the surgeon's off that coming Monday. After checking the fluid in my knees, I was told that I had full blown sepsis and within 2 hours, my legs were sliced open and I was full of tubing.
My granddaughter immediately brougt ionic silver generated with the CollGen2® and had me drink it every hour. She also poured the ionic silver into my wounds.
Long story short, it is now 1 year later and I have returned to my usual self. The infectious disease doctors were amazed that my blood counts are normal and they are blown away that I never got MRSA!
I am so thankful to God for the CollGen2®. I am so blessed. NO DOCTOR and NO ANTI-BIOTICS! Thank You for this miracle water Lord! Thank You Fred Peschel the inventor. Thank You Most to my Lord who provides to those who dillegently seek Him.
B. Becker
Hi all, I would like to share my testimonial with you. I was referred to CollGen2 by a friend of mine and the concept of Colloidal silver is hard to believe at first. I wish I could post pictures of the wound I helped heal with the silver water. My brother began having circulatory problems after a mining accident years ago and developed an ulcer to the outside of his leg above his ankle. This wound was extremely painful, draining large amounts of purulent drainage and it grew quite quickly. The pain was poorly managed with Dilaudid and still it wasn't enough. The doctors dressed the wound with Inadine (iodine) and was changed daily. The pain following the dressing change was horrible. I convinced my brother to allow me to do dressings with the colloidal silver water and I asked him to change it daily. The first night, he thought the dressing had fallen off while he slept because he felt NO pain. The dressing was intact. I also encouraged him to drink the silver water 4oz breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bed. Within the first 24hrs the redness surrounding the wound had dissipated significantly. Within a week the wound was almost closed and he no longer needed the narcotic for pain management. He continues to drink the water to this day (6mths later) as a form of maintenance plan. Why mess with a good thing.
D OBomsawin
In December 2007 I developed a pain in the very tip of my nose. This pain
continued for several weeks. Due to the fact that I had not met by insurance
deductible for the 2007 year, I postponed going to the doctor until after the first
of 2008. By the time January arrived, it was difficult to comprehend my intense
pain and I could not imagine what was causing it.
All I could remember was I had been in a Medical Center in November of
2007 where they were removing asbestos and it was not marked. I had no
warning that asbestos was being removed until I saw a man dressed in a white
jumpsuit and special breathing apparatus. Asbestos was the only thing I can
think of that I had recently been exposed to. The pain originated just the tip of
my nose and after several months moved into my sinuses. I went to several ear,
nose, and throat doctors. They had no clue. I continued in this pain until
September 2008, when noticeable problems developed in my breathing. I had
chest pains, shortness of breath, crackling, and loud wheezing. These new
wheezing problems prevented me from sleeping and my wife moved to another
bedroom to sleep.
I then went and had pulmonary function test performed and I had a sleep
study done. It was determined I had sleep apnea and started using a CPAP
machine to sleep. The next ENT doctor sent me for MRI and MRA's, trying to
determine the source of issues. The pulmonary function test showed that I had
developed RADS.I continued with pain and difficulty breathing for 14 months
until it occurred to me one day the problem could be related to my company car.
I was driving on a Monday morning and after a short period time, I developed
extreme shortness of breath. I called the mechanic that works on my personal
cars and asked him if something in the car could be causing my illness. He
:indicated that mold could develop in the venting system and I should bring the
car in for inspection. Upon inspection the mechanic revealed the wrong cabin
filter had been installed. He showed me that leaves and debris could bypass the
filter and get into my venting system causing mold. I then drove back to company
mechanic that performed maintenance on the 2002 Buick Le Sabre from new
condition until 122,000 miles. The only time it showed a replacement on the
cabin filter was at 90,000 miles. The mechanic indicated to me he remembered
Ithis car did not have a cabin filter in the car at that 90,000 mile time. He
indicated, he installed a filter he thought would work. Thinking my problem
lcould be caused by mold in the car, I stopped driving the car. After two weeks, the
Ipain in my face was considerably better, but the difficulties in my lungs
continued. I had my mechanic remove the evaporator from the car and sent a test
of the mold to EMSL laboratory in New Jersey. They determined that the
evaporator had 9 kinds of mold and thousands of insect fragments. The worst
mold of the nine was Aspergillus. I read information from the Mayo Clinic that
exposure to Aspergillus causes chest pains, shortness of breath, crackling, and
wheezing and could cause death. I had been given Advair and Albuterol by the
,doctors, but they produced little help. As I continued on my breathing got worse
and worse. I felt like I was suffocating. I knew what colloidal silver was used for,
it killed bacteria and viruses on contact. Figuring at this point I had nothing to
lose, I decided to put Fred's ionic silver in my CPAP machine. I noticed in three or
four days, I saw about a 70% improvement. I was so excited, I e-mailed the CDC
for Nebraska and shared my experience. I shared with my doctor that I was
taking colloidal silver, he indicated that I should not take it. The following month
when going back to him, I shared with him how I was the ionic silver. He said
"amazing" and indicated he was surprised he did not think of that. I found
another doctor who knew what colloidal silver was and said that was the
smartest thing I could have done. I talked with Fred and he said he wasn't
surprised I got better. Both Fred and the doctor indicated I should continue using
CPAP machine with ionic silver. Fred said his ionic silver was so small that it
would not hurt me. Fred also said through the lung was the best delivery system
into my blood stream to kill toxic mold in my body and told me a doctor had used
nebulizers for 6 lung cancer victims and they improved their condition. I
continue to have some of my previous symptoms caused from lung scaring, but
never have I felt like I am suffocating. My wheezing is 100% gone and I breathe much easier
Romans 8:38-39
King James Version (KJV)
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord
yes yes we would like to share cs products to the whole world that mr.fred peshell the inventor has the greatest invention of collgen2 since my daugther bougth 1 unit of colloidal machine that was year 2009 and in the year 2010 we added 2 units of PII and we would like also to share cs to all people to support the foundation of Maam Linda Covert so that others also can benefit. and thank u so much fred for your wonderfull invention you may rest in peace ,it helped a lot of filipino people here in the
Thank You Roberto!
Merry Christmas!
My name is Paul. I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma earlier this year. I had tumors in all of my extremeties. The doctor told me that I needed to take chemo, so I did but only 2 times. I became so weak and ill that I knew I was dying, fast!
A friend of mine helped me by finding the best nutritional products available. He purchased the CollGen2® and generated gallons of the water for me. I chose to go the nutrition route.
Today is December 18 th and I just received my blood results. NO MORE CANCER! Hippocrates said "let food be your medicine". I did that. Knowledge is POWER! A GREAT year ahead, I feel alive again and full of energy. My doctor said that I should continue doing what I am doing. He said that my blood results are BETTER than NORMAL! Paul A.
The information herein is provided to help you make an informed decision. All information is for educational purposes. Much of this has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to replace medical care, diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure disease. Each individual has a right to choose their own health care methods. As always, consult with a health professional before attempting any self health program.
My wife and I ran across Fred in 2003 and bought one of his CollGen2
generators . With in the first week of drinking CS (colloidal silver) produced with the CollGen2, my wife was cutting her ashtma medicine in half and breathing so much better I could not believe it . Ya know, we had so many questions after that first week and Fred had the answers. Since buying the CollGen2, over the years I have used C's for everything . I can not remember the last time I had a cold or the flu . Sure, Now and then I do feel like maybe I am coming down with something but the next day I feel great .
I used Visine for my tired eyes for many years. CS 7ppm works so much better. I could go on for days about the benefits ofof CS made with the one and only CollGen2. I even make it up for my grand daughter who lives in Indiana. She has spina bifida. Do yourself a favor and get the BEST THING SINCE SLICED Bread! The CollGen2 has made gallons of CS
for me and my family for the past 9 years. Each gallon is always the same beautiful clear 7ppm Ionic CS.
Thanks so much! Vern T. Georgia
Dear CollGen2,
I want to thank you for keeping the CollGen2 on the market. Fred Peschel helped me so much. He was a GENIUS! When I get a sinus infection, I know that the next day, it will go into my lungs. I used to go through a vicious cycle of Amoxicillin and then yeast infections. I have been studying colloidal silver online and Fred was the only person that I spoke to that was not only passionate about his helping people, but also a brilliant man that would explain in plain english when I did not quite understand something. I purchased Collgen2 about 4 years ago and quickly put the generator to good use. I filled spray bottles full of the water. I use it for killing bacteria on my countertops, my shower curtain, my dog's bowl of water, as a deoderant and my nebulizer. As soon as I notice the sinus infection coming on, I spray the mist up in my nose and start drinking the water every two hours. I rarely use the nebulizer because I haven't had the chest cold for a long time. Oh, I don't get those nasty yeast infections anymore either. Thank You so much! I will definitely send people to your company. Thank You! RIP Fred Peschel.
Mark S.
Nashville, TN
ICS is darn near miraculous in how well it works on such a wide spectrum of issues. I've been using the Collgen 2 for a number of years now and have a loyal following of folks who regularly buy my ICS that I generate. I get testamonials all the time about how good it works. I was very happy when the Covert's took over PII and started manufacturing the Collgen 2 again. I had one but bought another as a backup. 500.00 may sound like a lot for this small generator but seeing as how Soveriegn Silver sells their ICS for almost 350.00 for one gallon. You can make your money back in just two gallons (depending on what you decide to charge). I whole heartedly recommend the Collgen2.
C. Mc Cown
I am so happy about the Collgen2 being available to the market again. The Collgen2 Is a daily routine in my life. I was very upset when I heard that the inventor had passed away. Fred Peschel was brilliant. The ironic colloidal silver that his machine produces, has kept me well over the past ten years. It is a life saver. It is time for me to order another machine. I just cant live without it.
I will be in touch very soon,
thank you!
- Jim in michigan
"We have been using CS for over 10 years, and it has proved to be an amazing cure for tons of conditions! After researching all the available generators, we picked the CollGen !! (in 2007). It proved to be SOOO good, we bought a 2nd one in 2009 (we did NOT want to be without a generator if the 1st one failed). The CollGen2 produced CS that was not only lower-cost than what we hfad been buying, but was also higher quality. The CollGen2 is the best generator available!"
- Anthony Fairchild
Several years ago, I started having a problem with my usually pristine skin. I began to have lesions all over my body.....some as large as an orange juice can with an opening about the size of a quarter. I went to the doctor (because I didn't know what else to do). After 3 bouts of antibiotics and one round of steroids, I was at a loss as to what to do.
I met a man on the Internet who told me about the CollGen2 ionic silver generator. I was so sick that I couldn't work. So, he, by the grace of God, sent me the money to buy the machine. I know this was the Lord's work because he didn't even know me. I bought the generator and started making my own silver. Within two weeks, my skin was clear and beautiful again.
I believe this is God's medicine and definitely a miracle.
In Christ's Love,
Kathryn Marie Hanna